Package-level declarations


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inline fun <T : KoBaseProvider> KoDeclarationProvider.declarationsOf(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>

The declarations of type T present in the declaration.

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Returns true if declaration represents the type of T.

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Returns true if declaration represents the type of T. The external parent is a parent defined outside the project codebase (defined inside external library).

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Returns true if declaration represents the type of T.

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Returns true if declaration represents the type of T.

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Returns true if declaration represents the type of T.

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Determines whatever declaration has receiver type.

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Determines whatever declaration has return type.

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Determines whatever declaration has a valid KDoc with a PARAM tag in each defined constructor.

Determines whatever declaration has a valid KDoc with a PARAM tag.

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Determines whatever declaration has a valid KDoc with a PROPERTY tag.

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Determines whatever declaration has a valid KDoc with a RECEIVER tag.

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Determines whatever declaration has a valid KDoc with a RETURN tag.

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fun <T : KoBaseProvider> T.print(prefix: String? = null, predicate: (T) -> String? = null): T

Print declaration.

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Returns true if declaration represents the type of T.